Cartridges & Spare Needles

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(£0.00 - £2,500.00)


  • 179 Online out of stock
  • 56 In stock online


Sustainable product

  • 235 not specified


  • 22 aluminium / steel / silver
  • 1 beige
  • 26 blue
  • 5 brown
  • 7 yellow
  • 20 gold / bronze / brass / copper
  • 8 glow in the dark
  • 1 grey
  • 7 green
  • 9 wood/natural
  • 10 orange
  • 27 red
  • 10 transparent
  • 36 white
  • 101 black
  • 10 not applicable
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  • 27 yes
  • 208 no

Type of stylus

  • 62 elliptical
  • 97 spherical
  • 51 other
  • 25 not applicable

Type of turntable component

  • 92 cartridge
  • 14 cartridge with headshell
  • 21 headshell
  • 74 stylus/needle
  • 2 screws
  • 13 protective cap
  • 1 counterweight
  • 7 other
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Category information

Whether you've got a record player that's survived since the 1970s or a fully-fledged DJ turntable, Bax Music is the place to be if you're looking for a new needle or cartridge.

What's a Turntable Needle and How Does It Work?

The needle, also known as the stylus, is the part of your record player or DJ turntable that makes direct contact with the grooves of the record. Styli are made of sharp, strong material - mainly synthetic diamonds and metal - and every microscopic move they makes will translate into air waves which are then sent to your speaker system where they're turned into sound.

Getting a New Needle for Your Pickup

Needles are available in two forms: spherical and elliptical. Spherical needles are usually cheaper but are also more sensitive to interference, while elliptical models are more accurate and generally have a longer lifespan - see our blog: The Difference Between Spherical and Elliptical Needles for more info. In addition to a stylus, every record player or turntable is equipped with a headshell and cartridge, the latter of which includes the cantilever and the stylus, while the headshell connects the cartridge to the tone arm. Cartridges come in two different types: magnetic and ceramic. Nowadays, most cartridges are magnetic models, which come in the following versions: Moving Coil (MC), Moving Iron (MI) and Moving Magnet (MM). MM cartridges are the most common, and while they offer higher quality than ceramic cartridges, they're typically outperformed by the more expensive MC cartridges. That said, Moving Coil cartridges usually feature a non-replaceable stylus. The 'SME' headshell, meanwhile, is a popular removable headshell that can be easily secured to the tone arm, allowing for eased maintenance.

Replacing the Needle of Your Record Player

Before you replace the stylus of your turntable, double-check whether you're dealing with a defective cartridge or a defective needle. If it's the needle, see if it's replaceable on its own. If not, you'll have to replace the cartridge with a new one. If you need the part number, check for a model name or type number, or consult the product specifications or the turntable manufacturer's website. Browse our range of Turntable Replacement Parts for more replacement parts.

Checking and Setting Up Your Cartridge for an Increased Lifespan

Properly setting up your record player is the key to great audio quality, but so is proper maintenance, so don't forget to pick up a vinyl cleaning kit from our range of Record Player Accessories. When it comes to setting up and maintaining cartridges, it's important to be cautious. First of all, make sure that your record player sits flat and level. Then, check if the cartridge has been properly installed and that the pressure applied by the needle is optimal. If you want, you can use a protractor to help you set up your cartridge. A protector will sometimes come included, but you can also find one online and print it off. To match the factory specifications, you can use a needle pressure gauge to check and adjust your needle pressure.

Frequently Asked Questions About Turntable Needles

How do you set up the needle of a record player?

Step one is to make sure that the weights on the tone arm are set to 'neutral' so that the tone arm floats horizontally above the record player. Then, use a digital stylus pressure gauge to shift the weight until the pressure falls within the margins set by the manufacturer.

How often does a record player needle need replacing?

A spherical needle usually lasts for about 300 to 400 hours. Elliptical needles generally last between 700 and 800 hours.

How does a pick-up needle work?

The needle is the part that makes direct contact with the grooves. While tracking the grooves, every microscopic movement is translated into air waves that are then amplified and turned into music by your speakers.

What's a good stylus for my record player?

There are two types of needle: spherical and elliptical. Spherical needles are usually cheaper but are also more sensitive to interference, while elliptical models are more accurate and generally have a longer lifespan.

How do you clean the needle of a turntable?

A stylus can be cleaned using a purpose-made cleaning solution. See our range of Turntable Accessories to find something that can help you remove dust and grime.

Grado Prestige Gold 5mV for T4P

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Recommended price £251.00

Grado Timbre Master-3 4mV Cartridge

The Grado Timbre Master-3 4mV cartridge features a jarrah body, a boron cantilever and diamond-pointed needle.

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