Effects Processor

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(£0.00 - £2,500.00)


  • 6 In stock online
  • 4 Online out of stock


19-inch rack size

  • 3 1U
  • 7 not applicable

Bit rate

  • 1 24-bit
  • 1 32-bit
  • 8 unknown / not applicable


  • 4 yes
  • 6 no

Sustainable product

  • 10 not specified

Built-in compressor

  • 1 yes
  • 9 no

Built-in equaliser

  • 2 yes
  • 8 no

Built-in limiter

  • 10 no

Speaker/amplifier simulation

  • 10 no

Maximum sample rate

  • 1 48 kHz
  • 1 96 kHz
  • 6 not applicable
  • 2 not specified


  • 4 yes
  • 6 no
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Category information

Whether you're a guitarist looking to blow the audience away with a gigantic, lush delayed reverb or you're a vocalist in need of the sound of a choir of angels, with an effects processor, it's all possible. Effect processors are the ideal tool for musicians seeking their own unique sound. Whether you're treating guitars, vocals, or even synths and other electronic music-making gear, an effect processor can take the sound up a few notches.

Special Processors: Guitar & Vocal Effects

In this department, you'll find plenty of all-purpose effect processors, but if you're looking for a stage-ready effect unit that's specifically designed for the guitar or vocals, then you'll find what you need in our dedicated guitar effects or vocal effects departments.

What Are Effect Processors & Multi-Effects Processors?

An effect processor is a piece of audio equipment that can be used to treat or transform the sound of musical instruments and vocals. These units are used by musicians working in every genre - from rock and pop to jazz and electronica - you name it. Effect processors can coat the sound of an instrument in some lush reverb, some echoing delay, widen the sound with some chorus, a flanger or phaser, or dirty up the sound with some distortion. By using these effects and even combining them, musicians are able to get way more creative with their sound.

Audio Processors for Instruments & Vocals

Effect processors can fall into a number of different effect categories. Spacious effects like delay and reverb can be used to place vocals in a specific space like a small box room or a gigantic cathedral, so you can give your voice a classic rock-n-roll style slapback delay or make it sound really big and dramatic. Using modulation effects like a chorus, phaser or flanger, you can actually inject some movement into the sound of your voice or instrument. Oscillators vary the pitch, volume or the pan position of a sound, by moving it back and forth through adjustable values. Then there are, of course, processors that play with the timbre, such as filters and distortions. Most effect processors will actually be able to combine all of the effects listed above.

What Kind of Processor Do You Need?

When picking out an effects processor, it's important to look at the different kinds of effects a model has to offer; how user-friendly the controls are; and whether or not it's going to be compatible with your gear. An array of makes and models are available, so it might be a good idea to seek the advice of a professional or to read some good reviews before making a final decision.

Frequently Asked Questions About Effect Processors

What does an effect processor do?

Effect processors change the sound of a musical instrument or vocals by applying effects like reverb or delay, a chorus, flanger, phaser or distortion.

Vermona Retroverb Lancet

The Vermona Retroverb Lancet is an analogue multi-effects processor with spring reverb and other effects including a filter, an LFO and an envelope generator.

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In stock
Order before 9:00pm = receive it on Wednesday (free)
Recommended price £503.00

Erica Synths Zen Delay Effect

The Erica Synths Zen Delay sounds uniquely lo-fi and is a solid effect for dub as well as other styles, especially thanks to the playfulness that comes with tweaking the parameters of this module.

In stock
In stock
Order before 9:00pm = receive it on Wednesday (free)
Recommended price £599.00

Vermona Filter Lancet analogue filter/overdrive

Vermona's Filter Lancet is an analogue filter/overdrive effects processor that can be used on just about anything. Its comprehensive controls give you plenty of possibilities for shaping sounds in ways you've never imagined.

In stock
In stock
Order before 9:00pm = receive it on Wednesday (free)
Recommended price £382.00

Erica Synths Acidbox III Filter

Stick external audio signals through the Erica Synths Acidbox III filter and tweak them to taste - just like you would with an old-school TB-303.

In stock
In stock
Order before 9:00pm = receive it on Wednesday (free)
Recommended price £468.00

Elektron Analog Heat +FX Effect Processor

Tight, desktop-friendly and the perfect team mate for synths and modules, the Elektron Analog Heat +FX processor supports up to eight simultaneous effects complete with custom routing and controls.

Order now and receive delivery within approx. 8 business days
Order now and receive delivery within approx. 8 business days
Recommended price £991.00